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Grow Your Business with Xendit’s Subscription Feature

Enable recurring payments with e-wallets, credit cards, and direct debit for your subscription business

Acquire more users

By accepting payments through e-wallets, credit cards, and direct debit, you now have access to a bigger pool of customers–not just those with credit cards!

Offer subscription model

Unlock consistent, recurring revenue by charging customers with a subscription model. No more hefty upfront costs for end customers.

Maximize payment success rate

Reduce failed payments by automatically notifying end users of insufficient balance and automatically retrying failed transactions

Simple integration

Focus on growing your business. Let us take care of all the complexities of scheduling and enabling subscription payments for you.

Solving payment challenges of subscription businesses

If you are working in Fintech, Insurance, SaaS, Media, Charity, or Streaming Services and process recurring payments, you know the challenges of subscription management and collecting payments on a regular basis–be it weekly, monthly, or yearly. Effective subscription management and payment collection are crucial for overcoming these challenges.

High churn rate due to one-time payment

With a one-time payment model, you need to put in much more work to retain customers, since you need them to take deliberate action to make each subsequent payment.

Low credit card penetration in Indonesia

Credit cards are the go-to for subscriptions, but with so few people in the country having credit cards, the customer pool becomes very limited.

Difficulties in handling subscription payments

Even with credit cards, merchants need to incur additional costs to enable recurring payments through schedulers. The alternative is building the system in-house, which is time-consuming and expensive.

Xendit’s Subscription Feature helps you overcome these challenges

It helps merchants automatically pull funds from end customers’ accounts on a scheduled basis as defined by the merchants–be it yearly, monthly, weekly, or daily.

Multiple payment methods increase conversion rate

Xendit is the first payment gateway to offer real recurring subscription payments with e-wallet, credit cards, and direct debit in Indonesia



Direct Debit




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User notifications and retry mechanisms reduce churn rate

Update end users on both successful and unsuccessful payments–via WhatsApp or email. After notifying end users, our configurable retry mechanisms automatically retries the transaction, reducing failed payments.

Simple and intuitive UI makes account-linking a breeze

Xendit provides a user-friendly account-linking and redirect page UI for end users to link their accounts. This way, merchants can provide an excellent user experience without devoting additional resources on development.

Alternatively, you can also choose to build your account-linking UI (with PCI DSS) to have full control over your UI.

Use cases

Fixed billing


Collect scheduled incoming funds effortlessly

Loan repayments, monthly investments, and collection of platform fees are just a few examples where recurring payments can help tremendously–both for your company and your customers.

  • Borrowers don’t need to worry about being charged late fees, while lenders get repayments easily.
  • Investment companies can enable convenient dollar-cost averaging (DCA) for investors, so they don’t have to worry about remembering to transfer the money every month.

Increase on-time premium payments

Recurring payments are mutually beneficial for both your insurance company and the insured.

Your company won’t need to send out repeated reminders, so you get a high retention rate while not saving time and effort.

On the other hand, customers don’t have to worry about forgetting to pay their premiums and letting their policies lapse.

Boost donor retention rate with recurring payments

With one-time payments, your donors come to your website, donate once, and disappear.

To get repeat donations, you’ll have to spend your marketing budget to remind and convince them again, and donors have to painstakingly key in their payment details all over again.

With the option of recurring payments, you convince them once, and the donations keep coming in month after month without the donors lifting a finger–a win-win for both you and your donors!

Increase conversion and retention rate for your subscription business

A wide selection of payment methods makes your subscription accessible to a wider audience.

Reduce churn rate by preventing failed payments–through automatic retries and user notification on insufficient balances.

Streamline your subscription management to save time and improve efficiency. 

The seamless payment experience further enhances the overall customer experience you’ve worked so hard to create.

Usage-based billing


Get on-time payments from your post-paid plan subscribers

With recurring payment, you can automate bill payments for your post-paid plan customers, so they don’t have to perform payment transaction each time.

This includes monthly subscription fees, as well as variable, usage-based fees such as roaming charges, overage fees, and more.

This way, you get paid on time while providing a seamless payment experience for your customers.

Bring more convenience to customers by automating bill payments

Amidst customers’ busy schedules, it’s easy for them to forget to pay their utility bills. They might also pay the wrong amounts, since the bill amounts usually vary every month.

With recurring payment, you can automate this process to spare customers the inconvenience of having to make manual payments. Meanwhile, you get paid accurately and on time!

[Dengan Xendit] transaksi pembayaran iuran kini juga lebih cepat dan lengkap dengan beragam pilihan e-wallet dan kanal perbankan yang terintegrasi. Tak hanya itu, adanya pilihan autodebet semakin memberikan kemudahan bagi peserta dan menghindari lupa bayar iuran saat waktu jatuh tempo
Anggoro Eko Cahyo
Direktur Utama BPJAMSOSTEK

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